27 Stock Take Video
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Stock Take Video
Have you watched the stock take video?
Using Stock Take Export
Select the Inventory tab then the Stock Take Button Select the 'Export' button to export your stock take inventory list to a tab delimited txt file that can be edited in an excel spreadsheet. It is not necessary to select an Account until you import the Stock Take. Select the Department you are performing the Stock Take on or tick the All Department radio button. Select the yellow folder icon to name and save your Stock Take. Name the file (remember where you place it) eg. Desktop Then Select Export
NB: The file is automatically saved as a 'pdi' file (ERP Doc). It is important that it remains a pdi file to ensure it will import successfully.
Select CANCEL to close the Stock Take screen until you are ready to import your pdi file with updated stock levels.
Open up Excel then go to File Open on Top Menu Bar and locate the folder you have saved the ERP data file to (this could be your desktop) Change the file type to all files (this is required because ERP has it's own file extension, '*.pdi') Double click on the ERP data file. This opens in Excel the Text import wizard. There are three steps to follow to open the data file correctly.
Click Next You need to change the Text Qualifier from (") to (None). Click Next All columns within the Data Preview need to be hightlighted. (The Process to do this is move the scroll bar all the way to the right, hold down the shift as you scroll key then with the mouse, left click in the last column. When all columns within the data preview have been selected, select text from the 'Column Data Format'. Click finish.
The file will then open in Excel Click on the very top left hand corner of the spreedsheet, which will hightlight the whole sheet, then double left mouse click between the first and second column which will automatically open up all columns to view the full data within them. Enter the quantity of stock per item into the Final Count column. If you are using Bins you must enter the final quantity for each bin and a total final quantity for the product, being the total of the bins. Following is an image of how this should look.
NB: Always remember to save your pdi file correctly. After you have made changes to your spreadsheet and wish to close and save these changes, follow these steps:
Select 'YES' to saving the changes Select 'SAVE' to save over top of the existing doc. (If you do not wish to replace the original doc., simply rename the file at this point). Select 'YES' to replace the existing doc. Select 'YES' to keep this format to leave out any incompatible features.
When you have completed your data entry for your Stock Take levels, you are ready to import the file back into ERP.
Select the Inventory tab Select the Stock Take button Select the Import Button and Select the Stock Take pdi file you have saved, either by double clicking to select or by highlighting then selecting 'Open'. Enter the Date of the Stock Take. This is critical to ensure transactions since the stock take are processed in the correct order. eg. If the stock was counted two days ago and a sale or purchase occurred yesterday, the stock take date must be entered as two days ago or the transaction will be deemed to have already been counted in the stock take. Select Process. And answer Yes to the Question 'Do you wish to delete the Lines with 0 adjustment?' This saves time in processing the stock take and if there are no changes then these items do not need to be adjusted. The Inventory Stock Take will auto load into the Stock Take screen with all Final Quantities and Adjustment Values.
The screen will then close when completed.
To view the changes select Stock Adjustment List Tab.
Select Inventory Tab Data Update Button Select All products by clicking on the radio button or individual product Click radio button for Add to Department Select from the drop down menu Add Products to Department and select a department or click on the All radio button and the product will be assigned to All Departments
Then Click on Process