11 Connection Video
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Revision as of 11:12, 28 June 2011 by Simon Clive (Talk | contribs)
Connection Video
Have you watched the connection video?
Select Start=>right mouse click=>explore=>program files=> ERP Software=>Connection.ini folder=>double click Connection.ini Notepad will appear
To insure the user is seeing the server the following must be completed
[Last_Database] - Database = either "Sample_Company" or your exact database company name ie: Database=Sample_Company - Server = must be the name of your server ie: Server=localhost - UserName = either "Admin" or your login name ie: Username=Admin - LastConnectServer = Will be the last server that was connected or your server name ie: LastConnectServer=Localhost
[Servers] - Server0 = must be the server name ie: Server0=Localhost