4 Marketing Contact
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Marketing Contact
What is the basic concept of a Marketing Contact and where does it link to?
A Marketing Contact is an individual or company that has not yet been contacted by you. Essentially your own personal phone book. Marketing Contacts are used to build filtered lists (Contact Selection Range) for the purpose of telemarketing, or they can be accessed as a new Lead, eg. Marketing Contacts may be names and phone numbers collected at a trade show, or from a purchased marketing list, or simply names collected from networking.
How to use Marketing Contact
A 'Marketing Contact' can be added individually through the Marketing Contact screen, but more commonly it would be added from a list via the File Import function.
Importing Data - see Importing_Data<LinkId=376>
Marketing Contact Screen
Select Marketing Tab Select Marketing Contact button if you are not contacting the Marketing Contact immediately. If you are entering details as you contact, use the Lead screen which will in turn open the Marketing Contact screen as required. Enter the available data in the appropriate fields.
Note: The Company or the First Name field is the minimum data required before the record can be saved.
Special Fields
Company Type - This field contains a drop down list of company types previously created. You can type a new Company Type directly into this field to add it to the list for future access. Used selectively, this field can later be used to filter on to create a Contact Selection Range. Email - ERP Software will anticipate an email address from the name and company name. Over-write with the actual email address if known. Source - This is a drop down list of previously created sources. In Utilities>Preferences>Sales>Disable Customer Source Tracking you can select to make this a mandatory field if desired. (If option is ticked then it is Disabled, if unticked then it is Enabled). Save - If entering multiple Marketing Contacts via the Contact form, select NEW instead of SAVE to open a new Contact form directly.