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15 Transaction Customisation

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Transaction Customisation

How do you customise the grid of any transaction form, e.g. Quote?

All transaction forms e.g. Quote, Sales Order, Invoice, Purchase Order, Bill etc. are customisable. Each User can customise every transaction form to display the columns in the order they wish to view them.

NB: Columns available to be customised are dependant on what Lines Options preferences are set in the Sales and Purchases area of Utilities>Preferences.

ALSO - A user can only customise a transaction form if they have Access Levels to do so.

To Customise the grid/s...

Open the transaction form you wish to customise, e.g. Quote Select a Customer or Supplier (depending on the form you have opened) Right Mouse Click in the grid section of the transaction, i.e. the section where you enter the 'transactional data' Select 'Customise Grid' The relevant Customise form will load

To select a column to be displayed...

Select the tick box next to the Column Name

To change the name of the column to be displayed...

Double Click on the relevant column name and type the name you wish to display

NB: Please be aware that the more names you change the more difficult it becomes for our Support staff to assist you, as they may not be able to identify what the changes relate to.

Once you have select all the columns you require select OK to save the changes

To change the size and font of the data displayed in the grid....

Right Mouse Click in the grid section of the transaction, i.e. the section where you enter the 'transactional data' Select Customise Grid Select the 'Grid Title Font' button to change the font type and size of the Headings of each column in the grid Select the 'Grid Font' button to change the font type and size of the lines of each column in the grid

NB: The Font screens are standard windows format

Some people like to view lists with a different colour displayed every alternate do this....

Right Mouse Click in the grid section of the transaction, i.e. the section where you enter the 'transactional data' Select Customise Grid Select the 'Alternate Row Colour' button to select a colour for your grid to display every alternate row

Select the tick box "Enable Grid Lines" to display a line between each column and row in the grid