19 Entering a Sales Order
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Entering a Sales Order
Can you enter a Sales Order?
A Sales Order (Pro-forma Invoice) is created when someone orders products from you. A Sales Order does not post anything to your Chart of Accounts. It is a non-posting transaction and has no financial impact until it is converted to an Invoice. Products allocated to a Sales Order are not taken out of stock; Their 'In Stock' levels are not changed but the product's 'Available' level will be reduced as they have been 'Allocated to a SO'.
How To Create a Sales Order
Select the Sales Order button displayed within the Sales Tab. Select the Customer Name from the drop down list; this will auto fill the Order To and Ship To fields. If different details are required, delete the current details and add new ones. Order To details show the Customer to receive the Sales Order. Ship To details show where the goods will be delivered once the Sales Order is shipped. - to change the shipping address details, double click into the shipping address field - enter shipping address as required Click onto Choose template if you wish to choose a template other than the default Click on Hold Radio button if you want to manually put the order on hold ( the hold ensures the sales order/invoice has the Word Held in red so as it can not be sent to a client if the account has exceeded its credit terms)
Add a P.O. Number if the Customer has provided one. Select the Rep for this Customer if it is different to the default Rep or the logged in user. Select the Department from the drop down list. Click on the Choose Template check box if you want to select a different Sales Order Template. Internal Orders - An internal order is required to manufacture a product to be put into stock. Tick the Internal Order button and an invoice is not required when completing the manufacture process.
Select the date of the Sales Order if different to the current date. Sales Order No. is system default. If the Customer is to be invoiced in a Foreign Currency, you can select the required currency from the drop down list and alter the Exchange Rate if required. NB This does not alter the default Exchange settings.
Select a Ship Date. Select a shipping method from the Via drop down list. Customer Terms will auto load from the Customer card. They can be changed at this point if required. Select a Due Date to indicate when the Customer expects delivery of the order. Select Priority from the drop down menu
Sales Order Line Columns
Product Name Select a Product using the 'Name' drop-down field. When you select a product, its details populate from the Product Card into its line in the Invoice. Units Displays the default Unit of Measure for the product - change if required Ordered Enter Quantity Ordered Shipped Displays if turned on in Preferences. Enter the quantity allocated to be shipped BO Displays the difference between Ordered and shipped and these will be placed on Back Order Description Displays the Sales Description from the product card Product Description Memo Displays the extended "Memo" description from the Product Card Cost (Inc) Displays the Cost (Inc) per unitof the product from the product card - this cost should not be changed. Price (Inc) Displays the Price (Inc) per unit from the product card after allowing for any quantity or customer discounts Profit (Inc) Displays the Profit Inc in currency calculated from the cost and price Gross% Gross % %Profit (Ex) Displays the Profit (ex) as a percentage Code Displays the Tax code from the Product File Tax Displays the Tax amount Discount($) Enter the amount of any additional discount given in currency Discount(%) Enter the amount of any additional discount as a percentage Amount(Inc) Displays the total amount for thr line, being quantity x price less discount Auto Create Order? Select radio button and this will automatically create the purchase order for the goods Ordered? Select or Deselect radio button Memo Line Enter here any comments specific to this line item Ship Date This is the Sip Date used by Manufacturing - enter the date required Sales LinesCust Field # User defined custom field no #
Note: When you type in the Ordered quantity, one or both of the next 2 fields will populate. If the chosen Department has
these items in stock, ERP will automatically populate the Shipped field. If the Department does not have these items in
stock, the BO(back order) field will be populated.
Press the down arrow in your keyboard to add more products (new line) to the Invoice
Any relevant notes can be added to the Comments field by double clicking on the field these will appear on the Sales Order when printed, faxed or emailed to the Customer.
Related documents or files can be attached to the Sales Order in the comments field using the drag and drop function. Any relevant details can be added to the Picking Instructions field. These notes will not appear on the Customer copy of the Sales Order when printed, faxed or emailed.
The overall markup as a percentage of the invoice total will be displayed if switched on in preferences. Now save it by clicking on Save, print it by clicking on Print, or preview it before printing by clicking on Preview. You can also print a delivery docket or picking slip
To Preview the Sales Order, select the Preview button. To Print the Sales Order, select the Print button. To Print the Picking Slip, select the Print Pick button. To Print the Delivery Docket, select the Del Docket button.
To complete the Sales Order without producing an Invoice, select the 'Complt no Invc' button.
To create a Prepayment for this Sales Order, select the Prepayment button. To copy the Sales Order to an Invoice, select the Copy to Invoice button.
To copy the Sales Order to a Cash Sale, select the Copy to Cash button. To copy the Sales Order to a Smart Order, select the Copy to Smart button.
To email the Sales Order to the Customer, select the 'Email' button. To Fax the Sales Order to the Customer, select the 'Fax' button. The Sub Total, Tax Total and Sales Order Total are displayed in their respective fields. Select the Save button to complete the Sales Order.
Do you understand what a Back Ordered Sales Order is?
When ordering stock through a sales order, the stock on order then is put to a back order until the products have been sent by the supplier and received by you. Once they are received the sales order is adjusted to show the products have been received.
Open up the Sales order and adjust the order to show what has been shipped (received) if all have not been received enter the amount received The balance not shipped (received) will remain in BO until they have been received. Then receive the balance when shipped
Do you understand what happens to a Back Ordered Sales Order when it is converted to an invoice?
When a back order sales order is converted to an invoice it will no longer be in the back order Sales Orders.
It will be in the Converted Sales orders (click on the Converted radio button to view)
Can you convert a Sales Order to an Invoice?
In Sales Order List double click on the Sales order and click on Copy to Invoice - this auto loads and creates an invoice