10 POS
From TrueERP wiki
Point Of Sale Training
Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________
Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________
Trainee to complete: Please tick
1. [ ] Access POS List the different ways to access POS?
2. [ ] Default Access How do you set the user to load POS at logon?
3. [ ] Look of POS Do you understand the 3 main screens within POS?
4. [ ] Product Status How do you show the status of a product once selected?
5. [ ] Store Quantities How do you show the quantity of a product once selected?
6. [ ] Preferences Do you know how to access the preferences that control POS?
7. [ ] Grouping Products What do you use to group products for easy selection?
8. [ ] Creating Keypads Can you create a keypad with a group of products assigned to that keypad?
9. [ ] Multi-Site Keypads Why do we give different sites, different keypads?
10. [ ] Different Tills Why do we give different sites, different tills?
11. [ ] Tracking CRM Where do you find the option to collect Postcode or Source from customers?
12. [ ] Create Button Do understand the difference between assigning a product to a button and a function to a button?
13. [ ] Product Shortcut How do you assign a product to a Button?
14. [ ] Create Function How do you assign a Function to a button?
15. [ ] Function Hints Do you understand how to get the hints for a function to display?
16. [ ] Reset Buttons How do you reset a Button to the Default option (Preset Not Used)?
17. [ ] Tills Why do we have different tills?
18. [ ] Assigning the Tills What benefit would assigning a Till to a specific computer give?
19. [ ] Receipt Printout Where do you alter what prints on the receipt for the till?
20. [ ] Departments How do you assign a Till to a specified Department?
21. [ ] Print Spooler What is the Print Spooler functionality?
22. [ ] Default Printer Where do you define a default printer?
23. [ ] Product Selection List the different methods you can use to load a Product into POS?
24. [ ] Remove Products How do you remove selected product from an in-complete transaction?
25. [ ] Discounts What are some of the ways to apply discounts in POS?
26. [ ] Create Appointments How do you create an appointment from within POS?
27. [ ] Product Status How do you check on the quantity and status of a product?
28. [ ] Viewing Transactions How do you look at the history of sales made through POS?
Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful?
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