7 A/R Report
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Accounts Receivable Report
Can you open the Accounts Receivable report?
NB. Firstly run a batch update to ensure all information has loaded to the report.
Select the Payments Tab Accounts Receivable Report Button This will then open the Accounts Receivable List screen You can select all departments by clicking on the radio button, or select an individual department from the drop down Click on the radio button to Ignore Date Ranges or Select a date range From and To Tick the radio button to Show Prepayments (defaults to this) Tick the Age By Transaction Date (generally only used for Debtor Finance reporting) Report opens by default in Summary Mode
What effect does the "Detail" and "Extra Detail" options have on the Accounts Receivable Report?
Summary - This displays Outstanding Balances Details - This displays Outstanding Balances by Transaction type, e.g. Invoice Extra Details - This displays Outstanding Balances by Invoice etc. including all information regarding the transaction such as Invoice numbers. In extra details you may also 'drill down' to view the source transactions.
Do you know how to customise the screen?
Click on the Customise Tab Click on the radio button to select the columns you wish to view in the report, or click again to deselect and not see them You can also Change the Grid Title Font/Grid Font by selecting the tabs You can give the report alternate Row colour for ease of reading Click on the radio button to select to enable Grid Lines or click again to disable You can create a custom Column by selecting new and completing the details A Custom Report can also be created by selecting the Custom Report Tab
Can you enter notes on the Accounts Receivable screen?
To enter notes double click into the notes column on the row that you wish to add a note to eg. Customer will make payment on Tuesday.
Note: You can not enter notes on the summary lines