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24 Receive Bulk Payments

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Received Bulk Payments

The 'Received Bulk Payment' button allows the user to Post Payments received from multiple customers or jobs within the one processing screen by selection. Transactions to be paid can be selected by date range or by ignoring the date range therefore loading all transactions due for payment. You can choose to select individual transactions or use the 'Select All' button to select all transactions within the screen if one payment is to be applied to the selection. You can print out Customer Receipts, and select the Bulk Payments by Department. Customer payments posted can be viewed and maintained with the Customer Payment List.

Can you make a payment based on a suggestion?

Select the Received Bulk Payments button from within the Payments tab

Filter the transaction list by leaving 'Ignore Date Ranges' ticked or selecting a specific Date Range Select a Department if the Bulk Payment is Department specific, or leave 'All' ticked if you wish to load the list of payments for All Departments.

You can also use the standard ERP filtering to select transactions by Customer or Job name etc.

Enter the amount received and a Basis of Suggestion as per list below: All Current All Overdue Manual Over 1-30 Days Over 30 Days Over 60 Days Over 90 Days

If the basis chosen is not "Manual" ERP will pre-select transactions up to the value entered from transactions that match the 'Basis of Suggestion', as per below Over 30 Days has been chosen, therefore only the invoices more than 30 Days over due have been auto selected.

Select the Payment method, e.g. Cheque Select the Receive Payment Department

Select the 'Apply' button Select whether to print Customer Receipts and/or a Screen Print.

As the payment method selected was Cheque, further information is required. After selecting Apply to the Bulk Payment, individual payment screens will load per Customer so you can enter the Bank Account Details (if already entered into the Customer Card details will auto load into the Cheque Details screen), and Cheque number.