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27 Staement Templates

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Statement Templates

Where can you find all the available Templates?

Please familiarise yourself with all templates styles to enable you to make a decision as to which one is best for your purposes. NB: You can design your own statement template if preferred. Please refer to templates for further instructions.

Select the 'Choose Template' tickbox. Select the Customer/s you require statements for, e.g. Kidman Select 'Preview' or 'Print' to load the Template Report Selection screen

Select the required template, e.g. 'Statement II' (refer to Templates to select your system default template once you have decided which one suits you best). Select 'OK'.

Statement II for your selected Customer will load as a preview or print out, depending upon your choice.

Select the Auto Send button will produce Statements for the selected customers and automatically send them via each Customers default contact method, e.g. email, FAX, post (print). (Refer to New Customer for details.) If the Customer does not have a default contact method entered, then their statement will be printed ready for posting.

In this example, Kidman's statement will be emailed to the Customer due to the default contact method being set to 'Email'.

Select either the 'Print', 'Fax' or 'Email' button if you wish to choose your method of statement delivery at the time of running your statements. Refer to Preferences/Utilities for instructions on system set-up for emailing and faxing.

Select the Export button to extract Statement data for selected Customer/s, into a text file suitable for loading into spreadsheet format.

A 'Save As' Microsoft Window screen will load. Name your file. Select SAVE. Open the file in Excel Spreadsheet etc to manipulate as required.

When you have completed your Statement run, select 'Close'.