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3 Deposit Entry

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Deposit Entry

What is a Deposit Entry?

The Deposit Entry allows the user to enter funds that have been received without attributing the payment to a Customer account within ERP, e.g. Bank Interest received; or a miscellaneous cheque payment may be received that you need to account for within your banking/cashflow records, but it is not for an invoice issued to a Customer.

How to use Deposit Entry

Select the Banking tab Select the Deposit Entry button (The Deposit Entry screen will load)

Select the Account you wish to Deposit the funds in to, e.g. Your Bank Account Enter the amount of the funds deposited The Date will auto load with the date of entry, this can be manually altered if required The Deposit No will auto load with the next number in sequence

Select the From Account account from the Account list drop-down, e.g. Bank Interest Enter the amount to be applied to e.g. Bank Interest, (deposit payments can be split across different accounts if required, therefore each line entry should add up to the Deposit Total) Select the Payment Method from the drop-down list Enter a Reference No if required If you use Departments, select the relevant Department from the drop-down, otherwise leave it as Default.

Select the Customer or Supplier the payment was Received From Enter any notes relating to the deposit to assist for future reference. Select Save to save the deposit and close the screen.

Or Select Preview to view the deposit template before printing. Or Select Print to Print a copy of the Deposit and auto Save/Close the deposit entry. Or Select Cancel if you wish to exit the Deposit without Saving it.

To delete the Deposit after it has been saved, open the Deposit from the Deposited List and tick the Delete box in the bottom right corner of the deposit and select Save. The Deposit will now be listed in the Deleted Deposits list within the Deposited List.