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17 On Hold

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On Hold

How do you place a Reconcilation on Hold?

You are able to place a reconciliation on Hold. This will save the reconciliation as per the current status, allowing you to complete it later. Note: If you need to amend a transaction it must NOT be ticked when you put the reconciliation on hold otherwise the record will be locked for editing.

Upon selecting the Reconcile button again, you will be prompted with the following message box: Select On Hold Reconciliation OR Select New to Start New Reconciliation (Note: Only one reconciliation per bank account can be placed on hold at any one time) Select the reconciliation you wish to continue with. Select Ok

NB: You are required to enter your Ending Balance each time you re-load the reconciliation.

Continue marking off the presented transactions as per the Bank Statement, until you have reconciled every transaction on the Statement to the data entered into ERP. By marking transactions off in this way, you will clearly identify if there are any transactions that have not been entered into ERP but have been presented at the Bank. Once all transactions are entered and the Difference is nil you will be able to save the reconciliation.

Select Save Select Yes to print the Reports<LinkId=373>. Or select No if you do not wish to print the reports. Select Print to print just the Reconciliation Report Select Print Report to print just the Non Reconciled Report Two Reports will be printed - Reconciliation Report and Not Reconciled Report