16 Speed v Functionality
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Speed v Functionality
The purpose of the various options within the Speed Tab, is to allow you to balance the performance of the system against
the functionality of the system.
The SPEED menu, contains Options that allow a system administrator to determine how the organisation would like to structure the environment of ERP. See also "Use Remote Mode" option in the Utilities>Employee Tab<LinkId=230>
How to Access Speed Preferences
Select Utilities Tab Select Preferences button Select the Speed tab
Disable List Updates on Save
With this preference enabled, a great increase in speed is achieved by not updating the list displayed when the user makes a change to a transaction (could be changing the address of a customer while the customer list is open, etc) within a list. If the User requires this list to be updated, ERP has provided a Refresh button within all lists which updates the display.
Use Batch Transaction for Reports
Selecting this option means that any reports you run will be based on the last batch update. Deselecting will force a Batch Update to run each time you create a report. The reports will be slower to create but the data will be more current.
Summarise Sales
Summarise Sales performs 2 key functions:
1. Keeps a summary of all transactions until an End of Period is performed. After an End of Period, all reports and lists are updated (eg Products are increased/decreased, Sales figures are posted to financial etc.) 2. Allows the use of Bar Tabs Through POS.
By keeping this summary of transactions, the Products sold by a tender method eg a cash sale, will appear as one Cash Sale transaction. This reduces the number of entries which are added to the "To Be Deposited" for Banking. eg. If 100 cans of Coke are sold during the day with Summarise Transactions turned off you will have 100 seperate cash sales created, 1 for each can. With Summarise Sales turned on you will have 1 single cash sale with 1 line and a quantity of 100.
Note: All invoices applied to individual customers are generated separately. Do Not enable "Enforce Refund Verification" within POS while using Summarise Sales.
Use Express Product List
By enabling the Express Product List within POS, an increase in speed is achieved by generating a list with limited information.
Summarise Bar Tab Invoice
This option enables Bar Tab functionality to be available within POS. Bar Tab Functionality is only available through POS and enabling the preference Summarise Sales is required.
Global List
Show Marketing Contact in Global List Select to include marketing contacts in the Global List report. This will automatically alter the list to remote mode for speed purposes. See also "Use Remote Mode" option in the Utilities>Employee_Tab<LinkId=230>