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3 Extra Sell

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Extra Sell Price

Has the Extra Sell price stucture being explained in the Product setup?

Extra Sell Price tab allows you to set prices for a product based on quantity discounts offered for multiple Customer types. You can allocate an unlimited number of customer types and create different price levels (based on % discount from the standard price or as a fixed amount) with three different quantity price breaks for each customer type.

When creating a product in inventory select the Extra Sell Price tab Select from the drop down menu the Client Type you wish to set the price for Enter Sell Qty 1 as a % discount or enter the amount you wish to sell for into the Price1(Ex) column, which will then automatically populate the percentage Then enter prices in Sell Qty 2 and 3 (e.g buy 10 get a discounted price, buy 100 and get a discounted price) You can enter a Description for the pricing Then if the price is for a specific date range enter the Date From and Date To

Foreign Sell Price can also be entered here Enter Currency then the prices as required