5 Sell Volumes
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Sell Volumes
How do you create price points based on sell volumes?
Extra Sell Price tab allows you to set price points for a product based on a nominated Sell Volume.
If you wish to offer a lower price to a customer type for higher volume sales:
Go to the Inventory tab, Product Express List and select the Product Go to Extra Sell Price tab Select the Customer Type For Sell Qty 1, enter the lowest volume that can be ordered (typically 1). Enter the %Disc or Price (ex) per item for that quantity For Sell Qty 2, enter the minimum number of items that have to be ordered to get a lower price. Enter the discount or price that is to apply (the discount is always applied to the full price in the main screen) For Sell Qty 3, enter the next quantity that triggers a further discount and enter the discount or price.