11 Serial Numbers
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Serial Numbers
The Serial Numbers button is a report of all Serial Number transactions within ERP, allowing the user to track all the purchases, sales, hire and fixed asset information attached to a serial number, for all products with Serial Number Tracking selected.
When products with Serial Number Tracking turned on are purchased, each serial number will have to be entered into ERP, and as a product with Serial Number Tracking turned on is sold, you will need to select the serial number/s for the item being sold.
Do you know how to turn on Serial Tracking?
When you create a product that is to have Serial numbers tracked Select Inventory New Product Enter in Product details Select the Serial Number Tracking radio button to turn it on Then from within the Serial # tab you will be able to view the serial numbers associated with this product
Do you know how to create and load Serial Numbers.?
When you purchase a Product with Serial Number Tracking turned on
Select Purchase Order and enter the product you are purchasing An Allocate Serial Numbers box will appear If the serial numbers are in sequence - enter the first number and select the auto fill tab - this will automatically load 10 numbers in sequence If the numbers are not sequential it is then a manual operation by just entering the serial numbers in manually, click on a line and key in the serial number These numbers will now be available to view in the Serial number list
When you sell a Product with Serial Number Tracking turned on
Open up an invoice Select a client Select the product to be sold and enter the number to be sold A box will appear Allocate Serial Numbers click into the white screen and Press F9 on the keyboard A list of serial numbers will appear
Select which numbers you need to allocate and these will auto load into the second box Double click to Select one item Hold Down shift/Ctrl and select multiple and Press CTRL+ENTER to Allocate Hold down ALT and Press A for Auto Select and Press CTRL+ENTER to Allocate
Click Save and these will be allocated to the product and customer you have sold the items to on the invoice
How to view Serial Numbers
Select the Inventory tab Select the Serial Numbers button The Serial Number List will display. As per all lists within ERP, it is fully customisable, exportable, printable, with the ability to search for data and execute filters if required.
You have the choice to view the list by: Available Sold On Sales Order Fixed Asset All