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21 Set the Default

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Set the Default

How do you set the default sales choice, if using an "Option" input type?

When using the Option input type, you need to set a default value. This is done by selecting the default value from the drop down list of choices in the OPTION field in the "choice" branch on the BOM will have the Option Input Type.

How to add a default value

Select Inventory Select Product Select Manufacturing Select a Branch that offers the user a choice (In the case of the wagon, the Colour Choice branch or Wheel Choice branch) Add a sub-branch<LinkId=986> and enter the first available choice (this can be a product or a value) Repeat for each choice offered Return to the "Choice" branch and scroll right to the Option field. Each sub-brance that you have created will now appear in a drop down list. Choose the one you want as the default