38 Filtering Capacity
From TrueERP wiki
Filtering Capacity
Can you reduce the capacity planner to display just a single customer or a single resource?
The Capacity Planning screen displays every process for every job waiting to be completed. Sometimes this can be too "busy" to clearly show you what you want. Fortunately you can easily filter the screen to display only the information you need.
How to Filter on a single customer
Go to Manufacturing tab Select Capacity Planning button In the Cust box, select the customer you want to filter on The screen will now display only jobs for that customer
How to filter on a resource
Go to Manufacturing tab Select Capacity Planning button In the Resource box, select the resource you want to filter on The screen will now display only jobs for that resource
You can also filter on Processes or on any combination of the above. eg. All jobs for customer John Smith that need the Process "Painting"