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1 Asset Types

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Asset Types

Have you set-up asset types?

The default Fixed Asset Types already in ERP are:

General, General Assets Vehicle, Vehicles

You are able to add as many fixed asset types as you feel are necessary. Remember that when you need to report on Asset Types you can only do one type at a time, or all type. You are unable to run a report on two types with a total. A Fixed Asset Type is created to standardise the depreciation method for like assets (create once and apply to like assets).

How to Add a New Fixed Asset Type

Select the Fixed Assets type Button Enter the Asset Type code eg. PROP Enter the Asset Type Name eg. Property Enter the depreciation option as Declining Balance Enter the Salvage value as 5% Select the Asset Life in years - eg: 4 years, this will automatically be entered in the Fixed Asset when using this specific Fixed Asset Type