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4 Chart of Accounts

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Chart Of Accounts

Can you view you Fixed Asset accounts?

The Fixed Asset accounts are are configured in Preferences<LinkId=1063> under the heading Default Asset Accounts. To see the accounts and current balances you need to view through the Chart of Accounts

How to view Fixed asset Accounts Select Accounts tab Select Accounts List - normally this will open in Tree Mode. If not select the Tree Mode check box Expand out the Fixed Asset group by clicking on the plus (+) sign adjacent

You will now see the related accounts including: Clearing Bank - this account should have a balance of zero as it is a temporary posting account only and used when purchasing an asset General Assets (and other asset grouping accounts) These are header accounts showing an Acc Balance (starting asset value) and Tot Balance (Opening balance less depreciation and disposals) Select + to expand groups Within each group you will see a Depreciation account for that group. This shows the amount of Depreciation expensed

Depreciation Expenses In the Chart of Accounts click on the plus (+) adjacent the Expense group In this group you will see a Depreciation account where all depreciation expenses are posted

Note: NEVER change any accounts without consulting your accountant and ERP support