20 Parts on Repairs
From TrueERP wiki
Parts Used
How do you display a list of all the products on all repairs?
The Repairs List<LinkId=1093> has multiple options allowing you to view different aspects of your repairs. One of these views is the Parts view
How to display the Parts view in the repairs list
Select Workshop tab Select Repair List button
Within the Repair List you have a number of options for choosing the information to be displayed using the radio buttons in the top of the page Select Parts - this displays multiple lines for each repair, being one line per part used
Within this display you can view by Active, Done or Both Select Done - This displays completed repairs Select Active - This displays repairs not yet completed Select Both - This displays all repairs
Within each of the above you can also view by Converted, Pending or Both Select Converted - This displays repairs that have been invoiced Select Pending - This shows repairs not yet invoiced Select Both - This shows all repairs
All lists in ERP can be Filtered, Searched, Customised, Printed and Exported.