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14 Adjusting Individually

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Adjusting Individually

Can you open each period and adjust it?

All of your Budgets, both active and inactive can be viewed, opened and adjusted in the Budget List. This list is subject to a Date_Range<LinkId=1136> and displays each Period<LinkId=1127> as a seperate line. To open and adjust a budget/period and view the details you simply need to select the line.

The Budget Definition List, like all lists in ERP can be Filtered<LinkId=251>, Searched<LinkId=252>, Customised<LinkId=249>, Printed<LinkId=253> and Exported<LinkId=254>.

How to open a Period in a Budget and adjust it

Select Budget tab Select Budget List button - By default only Active budgets will display for the selected date range Select the Line that displays the period you wish to view and double click Select the "Freeze Account Name Column" check box. This allows you to scroll to the right but still keep the convenience of having the account name visible at all times Select any amount that you wish to adjust and over type with the new value Save

Budgets can also be adjusted from the Budget_Variation<LinkId=1139> screen