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24 Delivery

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Delivery Training

Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________

Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________

Trainee to complete: Please tick

1. [ ] Enable Delivery Do you know how to enable the Delivery module?

2. [ ] Main Screen View How do you add Delivery to Main Screen menu?

3. [ ] Create Vehicle Can you create a vehicle?

4. [ ] Create a Route Can you create a manifest route?

5. [ ] Setting Invoice When creating a Manifest Allocation List, you need to tell the invoice to go to Manifest Allocation, how do you do this?

6. [ ] Manifest Option On How do you automatically turn on Manifest?

7. [ ] Preferences Where do you find preferences for Delivery?

8. [ ] Shipping Address Can you create multiple Shipping Addresses for a customer?

9. [ ] Allocating An Invoice Can you assign a sales order/Invoice to Manifest?

10.[ ] Add to Existing How do you add an invoice to an existing Manifest?

11.[ ] Add to New How do you add an invoice to a new Manifest?

12.[ ] Multiple Pages How do you print a Manifest over multiple pages?

13.[ ] Template Design Where do you redesign your Manifest Templates?

14.[ ] Page Numbers Where do you go to allocate manifest lines to different pages?

15.[ ] Completing a Manifest When is a Manifest Completed?

Notes: Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________