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4 New Account

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Create a New Account

Do you know how to setup a new account for your Chart of Accounts?

  • First make sure the Preferences have been set correctly select, Utilities - Preferences - Accounts
  • SelectAccounts from the Main Menu then select the Account button.
  • Select Account Type and select from the drop down E.g. Expense 
  • Then in the Account Name field type in a Header account E.g. Motor vehicle expenses  and select Save
  • If you wish further breakdowns of costs a Sub Account can also be selectedE.g. Petrol and then new Account Name Holden. This will give a Multi tiered account which can be seen in the Account Tree View box.

N.B. You have to create theAccount Type first; then the Sub Account; then further Sub Account names can be created.

  • Select the Tax Code if desired and Account Description
  • Select Allow Expense Claim if the Account Name allows expenses to be claimed by employees.
  • Tick Is Header if the account is to be a header.
  • A Header has no value and can not have transactions posted to it
  • Check that the information is correct and and select Save