5 New Attribute
From TrueERP wiki
How do you create a New Attribute?
To create a Clothing Matrix product you must start with the Product Attributes.
To create a new Attribute, Select the Inventory Module
Select the Products Attributes Button
Select the NEW button
You are now ready to start entering details of the product starting with the Group Name and then the Product Description.
Under Attribute Names type the name of the first attribute - by default this will be the grids Y_Axis<LinkId=1183> (verticle axis) Enter the Attribute Values for this attribute and an abreviation - For the Attribute Name "Colour" values would be the individual colours available For each Attribute Value enter a unique abbreviation (this helps keep product names shorter) Enter the second attribute which will be the X_Axis<LinkId=1185> and its values (X_&_Y_Axis<LinkId=1187> can be changed later is required) Enter any more attributes relating to this product up to the maximum number in preferences and their values Select Next to create the Products