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5 New Attribute

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How do you create a New Attribute?

To create a Clothing Matrix product you must start with the Product Attributes.

  • To create a new Attribute, Select the Inventory Module
  • Select the Products Attributes Button
  • Select the New button

You are now ready to start entering details of the product starting with the Group Name and then the Product Description.

  • Under Attribute Names type the name of the first attribute - by default this will be the grids Y Axis, verticle axis.
  • Enter the Attribute Values for this attribute and an abreviation - For the Attribute Name "Colour" values would be the individual colours available for each Attribute Value enter a unique abbreviation, this helps keep product names shorter.
  • Enter the Second Attribute which will be the X Axis and its values, The X & Y Axis can be changed later if required
  • Enter any more attributes relating to this product up to the Maximum Number entered in Preferences and their values.
  • Select Next to create the Products.