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16 Allocating Batches

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Allocating Batches

How do Batches interact with purchase and sales transactions?

Batches can be used to track Inventory Items based on original purchase order or manufacture. A Batch number as a result will be identical for multiple products as compared to Serial Numbers which are unique for each product. When you buy or sell a product with Batches Activated, you must record which batch the product is from. The allocation of the batch can be Automatic or Manual at the time of the transaction depending on the settings you have chosen.

  • Go to the Sales Module
  • Select Invoice an a client from the drop down list
  • Select a Product that has Batches turned on
  • Click on the Allocation column
  • If Batch allocation is set to Automatic the batch will have been allocated based on Oldest Batch first.
  • If Manual you can choose the batch from the drop down list of available batches.
  • If Automatic you can overide the allocation by selecting another batch