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1 Access POS

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Access POS

List the different ways to access POS ?

Select the POS button from the Top Toolbar OR select the Sales drop-down list from the Top Toolbar,and then select POS

The following is just an over-view of the POS screen.

The POS screen needs to be customised to suit your requirements. Refer to Customise POS for full details on creating your POS tills and keypads. Note along the top toolbar there are the following selections: File (Customise POS); Drill Down Product List; Repair; Repair List; Appointment;. These areas are covered in greater detail in specific sections of the manual.

Each item scanned/loaded via the product list or a pre-set keypad key will be displayed in bold easy to read text in the top field. The item/s entered will also load into the Qty/Description field with the price per line. And a Sub Total running balance will display down the bottom of screen.

This section will display the data entry information like, Sale Person/Employee, Date and Time, Store/Department etc. The Customer Name and any discount etc will be listed on the line directly below.

The coloured keys with F functions are default pre-set one-touch function keys. ***They cannot be changed***

Select the 'Sales Person' key or (+) to enable the rep performing the transaction to select their name (this can also be password coded - refer Preferences/POS). Enter the ID # or double-click to select the name, e.g. Dene Mills

Select the 'Product List' key or (F2) to load the Product List to select a product to load into POS. The Products Express List will load (refer to Preferences/Speed for option). Double-click on the product or highlight and select enter on your keyboard to load the product into POS, e.g. 'CD Player'.

Select the 'Customer' key or (F3) to load the Customer List to select a Customer if required. The Customer List will load. Double-click on the customer or highlight and select enter on your keyboard to load the customer into POS, e.g. 'Burns'.

The 'Quantity' key or (F5) will allow you to change the quantity required. First select the product, e.g. CD Rom Second enter the quantity required, e.g. 3 Third select 'Quantity' key or F5

The Quantity and Amount are now updated.

NB: You can only change the Qty of the final product listed

If you need to change the quantity of another product

Delete the entry, by highlighting the item and select the 'X' Re-enter or select the product so it is the last in the list. Follow the above instructions to change the quantity.

To Refund an item first select the 'Refund' key or F7 Select the product or scan to load it The item will load as a credit and be deducted from the Amount due.

Select the 'Cancel' key or F8 to cancel a transaction before completion. 'Completed' will be displayed on-screen to signify the screen is cleared ready for a new transaction. Select the 'Cheque' key or F9 to complete a transaction when a Customer is paying by cheque. NB: The correct amount of payment is assumed when cheque is the payment method. Confirm if you wish to enter a cheque number by selecting Yes or No to the prompt.

Select Yes. Enter the Cheque number. You can use your keyboard or select the numbers on-screen with your mouse. Select OK

The transaction will be completed, and display on-screen as per below.

Closing a transaction with Cash. Enter the products the customer is purchasing, e.g. total value of order $252.00 You must enter the total of cash received prior to select the 'Cash' button or F12. This assures that you have receipted the correct amount of cash to ensure you balance at the end of day. Enter $252.00 as the actual cash amount received.

Same transaction as above, but let's assume the Customer gives you $300.00 cash. Enter $300.00 Select the 'Cash' button or F12.

The calculation for the 'Change' will be automatic and displayed in the top field, i.e. $48.00

Same transaction as above, but let's assume the Customer pays $200.00 cash and $52.00 with credit card. The cash portion must be processed last to ensure the correct balance of cash is received. Enter $52.00 then select the 'Credit Card' button or F10. (There are other options to create specific credit card type (e.g. Visa) one-touch buttons. Refer to Customise POS). The calculation for the 'Balance' will be automatic, and displayed in the top field, i.e. $200.00

Enter the Amount of Cash received and select the 'Cash' button or F12 OR If the cash received is the exact amount of the balance owing, i.e. $200.00, simply select the 'Cash' button or F12 to complete the sale.

Same transaction as above, but let's assume the Customer pays by EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer). ERP POS will assume that the full amount is being paid by EFT and immediately complete the transaction. Select or scan the products, then select the 'EFT' button or F11.

NB: EFT and Credit Card transactions require the set-up of your Banking hardware and on-line connection to your Bank.

Select the 'Print' button or F4 to print an additional receipt. Select the 'No Sale' button or F6 to cancel the current transaction and start afresh. It also opens the cash drawer if a kicker is installed). Selecting the 'Cancel' button or F8 cancels the current transaction ready for you to start afresh. But does NOT open the cash draw.