EDI Integration
From TrueERP wiki
'Creating a connection using EDI
These connections are created using the Web API, so please ensure that the "Web API Test" form is working correctly within the required TrueERP database, before attempting anything to do with the EDI integration
Two Way Synchronisation works on a Push – Pull basis, meaning the Main Server Pushes All data out to a remote location and then Pulls All data back from this remote location. The disadvantage of this set up is that All of the data from both Databases needs to Synchronise which is extremely slow and in most cases not required.
One Way Synchronisation of only selected data is much faster as only relevant data is Pushed to a remote location eg Product/Inventory Data and the only the required data is Pulled back eg POS / Sales Transactions
Source vs Destination
When setting up Site Config for POS the Source is the Remote Location and the Destination is the Main Server (Pulling Data)
When setting up Site Config for Product it works in Reverse the Source is the Main Server and the Destination is the Remote Location (Pushing Data)
Site Integration
From the Main Menu Select Utilities – Preferences
Select EDI and Integration and Scroll down to the Site Integration header
Tick the Site Integration Enabled check box and the select the desired Logging Level
Site Integration Config
Select the Add button to set up a new Integration Site Configuration
Select the Setup button which loads an information screen with the following set up recommendations
1. Turn off Two Way Synch
2. From Head Office select POS and set time to 5 mins
3. From the remote site select Product and set time to 8 hours
Fill out the Source field with the following
URL – URL of your Source server eg
Database – ERP database name that changes will be read from eg sample_company
User – ERP user name to log into database with eg webuser
Password – ERP user password to log into database with eg webuser
Fill out the Destination field with the following
URL – URL of your Destination server eg https://localhost:446
Database – ERP Database name that changes will be written to eg. sample_company
User – ERP user name to log into database with eg webuser
Password – ERP user password to log into database with eg webuser