Purchase Order Audit
From TrueERP wiki
Purchase Order Audit: To access Purchase Order Audit, go to Utilities Module and click on Purchase Order Audit button.
This form is for the auditing purpose of Purchase Order, so you can track you purchases. Will give you a complete audit of your Purchase Orders.
The search option F5, F6, and F7 is there for your ease if you want to search for any particular Purchase Order . You can select the search criteria from search column or you can click on any column and do your require search.
You can search all the Purchase Order Audit over a certain time frame by managing the dates from the top right.
If you want to check Purchase Orders on different periodical duration then click on the drop down menu above date. This option will help you to track all the Purchase Order Audits over a certain period of time. For Example you want to search all the Purchase Orders of Previous Financial Year, or First Quarter or This Quarter etc, then by selecting any all the required details of that period will appear.
Customise: You can customise the Purchase Order Audit columns according to your needs. Which ever column you required select and it will show accordingly.
Export: This tab will export the Purchase Order Audit list to Excel Spreadsheets.
New: This tab will create new entry in Purchase Order Audit.
Print: With this tab you can directly print out the Purchase Order Audit list.