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Customer History List

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Customer History List: To access the complete history of your customer and to access this option; Go to Sales Module and click Customer History List function.

This function gives you an entire history of your customer, from start till date. Whatever activities you have performed with your customers can be viewed from here. A one stop solution to check any particular client's history from the beginning.

From this list of customers you can drill down to any customer details by double clicking on it. By double clicking on the name it will open up the customer card, and double clicking phone number or address will open up the job card.

You can use the F5, F6, F7 option either by clicking on any column or selecting it from the Search Column drop down menu. There is a date option too if you looking for a customer list of a certain period.

Clicking on any customer, will give is complete detail in the lower panel. You can switch different options to check the history.

Address: Address will give you the company name and its shipping address. This is aligned with the shipping address list.

Notes: This will let you know the notes that has been entered earlier on this customer by you or your employees. This list is generated and integrated with the Note Audit Trail.

Phone Numbers: The complete history of all the numbers through which you have been communicating with that particular client. This list is aligned with the Phone Number List.

Repairs: From start till date whatever repair services you have provided to that particular customer will be listed here. Apart from that it will also tell you whether the repair operation has been completed or not, and what is the status of it. This repair list is derived from the Repair Express List.

Sales Orders: This option will give you the history of all the Sales Orders generated and also the status of all Sales orders of that particular customer . This Sales Order history is generated from the Sales Order Express List therefore, you can drill down to any sales order by double clicking on it and it will give you more details of that Sales order.

Support Log: This is the history of all the support provided to a specific customer. It will show you When and How the support was provided. What issue was there and what solution was provided to the customer.

You can customise the Customer History List columns as per your requirement, and the Grid and Font as well.

You can Export this Customer History List to your Excel Spreadsheets.

This window Customer History List is integrated with every required function. You can enter New Address, New Repair, New Order and even New Logs from here as well as from core function options of these operations. Even you can create a new customer from this window by clicking on New, you will be diverted new customer card and you can create a customer directly from here. With the print option you can Print the complete Customer History List.