Print Purchase Order
From TrueERP wiki
Print Purchase Order: This option within the Purchase Module allows you to see all the purchase order lists and you can print an individual or multiple pay order from this screen. Check mark the Purchase Orders you want to print and click on the Print button.
You can choose the Purchase Order from Printed, Not Printed, Emailed, Not Emailed and All options. You can change the dates according to your requirement and can see the Purchase Orders on a particular period. You can drill down to any Purchase Order by double clicking it. There is filter option available within this screen, and also F5, F6 and F7 search options.
From the same screen of Print Purchase Order you can preview the page before printing or emailing. You can choose the options whether you want to print, email or fax or all. By clicking on choose template a window will pop up before printing, and will provide you different templates to choose from for the printing.
You can customise columns as per your requirement and can also export the list to Excel Spreadsheets.
This option not only gives you the history of printed, emailed or faxed Purchase order but also tells you the Purchase Order list.