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Supplier Order Totals

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Revision as of 23:31, 2 January 2014 by Omer Farooq (Talk | contribs)

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Supplier Order Totals: This option within ERP allows you to check the total Purchase Orders and their details with all the suppliers. You can toggle between Summary and Detail List. Within this screen you can see how many smart orders have been placed and how much were complete. It will give you complete description of the Purchase orders, their creation date, Product description, smart order # and the amount also.

You can drill down from this screen to check more details about the Purchase Order. Can make changes in the date period to fetch the Purchase order data of a particular period. F5, F6 and F7 search options are available. Can customise columns as per the requirement, can export it and can print this list as well. You can also go to Smart Order list by click the Smart Order tab at the bottom.

To acces Supplier Order Totals tab; Go to Purchase Module and click on the tab stating Supplier Order Totals.