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Process Steps

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Revision as of 00:10, 10 January 2014 by Omer Farooq (Talk | contribs)

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Process Steps are the preliminary foundation steps for manufacturing a product. Process Steps are used to identify the actions required in the manufacturing process. From this function, you can create new steps and can assign particular employee or employees for that operation. Processes Steps are the steps listed in the assembly schedule and are allocated a period of time for completion. Each process step will be allocated to Resource.

How to use Process Steps

  • The Process Steps screen will load. In the Description you can write any process you want to create. You can see the already created process steps from the Process Step List function. You can assign employees from Process Steps screen to any process. Mark as active if the process is currently used.

For example:

  • Enter the name of your new Process Step in description, e.g. 'Packing'.
  • In the employee section choose an employee for that process
  • Tick the Active box to ensure it will be available for selection when creating an Assembly.
  • Select 'OK' to save your new entry.

Process Steps are an integral part of setting up a Manufactured Product within Inventory.