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Process Step List

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Revision as of 00:12, 10 January 2014 by Omer Farooq (Talk | contribs)

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Process Step List: The process step list is the list of all the processes that you have created. The process which are currently active you can see the tick mark in the boxes in front of it, and you can also see the inactive processes from this list.

You can drill down to any process by double clicking on it and can check the details as who are the employees or workers dedicated for a particular process you can also make an inactive process active from this window.

From the screen of Process Step List you can also create a new process by clicking on the New tab at the bottom of the screen.

To create new process:

Click New. The Process Steps screen will load. In the Description you can write any process you want to create. You can assign employeesto any process. Mark as active if the process is currently used.
For example:

Enter the name of your new Process Step in description, e.g. 'Packing'.
In the employee section choose an employee for that process
Tick the Active box to ensure it will be available for selection when creating an Assembly.
Select 'OK' to save your new entry.

You can export the process list, and can use the F5, F6 and F7 search functions in this list.