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Build Profitability

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Revision as of 00:51, 23 January 2014 by Omer Farooq (Talk | contribs)

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Build Profitability: This function and program within the manufacturing module allows you to see profitability from the manufacturing and how to increase it. In essence how you can manage to generate maximum profits from the manufacturing, where you can cut cost where you can incur more to make more profit.

To access this function; Go to Manufacturing Module and click Build Profitability.

Each an every column give you the details of all the manufacturing that is currently been done, and the break up of their cost.

- Quantity: This column shows the sold and shipped products.

- Tree Item: This column shows the products and items used in manufacturing that product, all that you can see in the BOM tree for a particular product.

- Quantity: This Quantity column shows the quantity of each and every items that are used to make up a product.

- Duration: Column gives the entire time used in each operation.

- Labor Cost/hr: This column shows how much Labor/hour is incurred in each operation.

- Product Cost: This column shows the total product cost of each item used to build the final product.

- Tree Price: This column tells the price by each item in that product.

- Selling Price: column is the selling price of the product.

- Difference: The difference column shows the difference between Tree Price and the Selling Price, which is you net profit from that particular product.

You can manipulate Build Profitability by using F5, F6 and F7 search functions, and also by using the date range options.