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9 Sales

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    Sales Training

    Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________

    Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________

    Trainee to complete: Please tick

    1. [ ] New Customer - Can you enter a New Customer?

    2. [ ] New From Transaction - Can you create a Customer from a Transaction?

    3. [ ] New Contact - Can you enter customer Contact Details?

    4. [ ] Customer List - How do you open the Customer List?

    5. [ ] Filtering Lists - Do you know how to filter a list or report to show only specific details?

    6. [ ] Quick Filters - What are the shortcut keys for a quick filter?

    7. [ ] Multiple Filters - Can you create a filter on a filter?

    8. [ ] Sorting Columns - How do you sort any column?

    9. [ ] Search on Columns - What are the 2 different methods for selecting a column to search on?

    10.[ ] Default Search Columns - What is the default search column in any list or report?

    11.[ ] Searching with F5, F6 and F7 - Do you know how to use the F5,F6,F7 searching features? Also how to use the search box on the main screen.

    12.[ ] Global Lists - What data is in the Global list?

    13.[ ] Transactional Search - Can you search the entire company file for a Global Ref No or Contact Name?

    14.[ ] Entering a Quote - Can you enter a Quote?

    15.[ ] Transaction Customisation - How do you customise the grid of any transaction form, e.g. Quote?

    16.[ ] Quote List - Can you open the Quote List?

    17.[ ] Reminders - Does the Reminders prompts make sense?

    18.[ ] Reminders Settings - Where do you set your own reminders?

    19.[ ] Entering a Sales Order - Can you enter a Sales Order?

    20.[ ] Double Click Selection - Do you know how to open the product list from the product drop down box?

    21.[ ] Product Status - How do you check the status of any product on an order?

    22.[ ] Credit Limit Messages - What happens when a customer exceeds their credit limit?

    23.[ ] On Hold - What effect does the "On Hold" flag have?

    24.[ ] Entering an Invoice - Can you enter an Invoice?

    25.[ ] Ship Quantity - Why is the ship quantity in some cases not automatically filled in?

    26.[ ] Delivery Dockets - Can you print a Delivery Docket?

    27.[ ] Entering an Refund - Can you enter a Customer Refund?

    28.[ ] Invoice/Refunds - Do you know where to find the refunds?

    29.[ ] Transaction Type - How do you display the transaction types within the list?

    30.[ ] Renaming Columns - Can you rename one of the columns on the list?

    31.[ ] Creating a Job - Has it been explained how to create a customer job

    32.[ ] Job Profitability - Would you use the job profitability function and if so can you create a job profitability report?

    33.[ ] Associating Costs - Do you know how to auto load expenses for a job onto an invoice?

    34.[ ] Quote to Invoice - Can you convert a Quote to an Invoice?

    35.[ ] Costs on Jobs - Can you load customer details into a Purchase Order or Bill?

    36.[ ] Loading Costs - Can you load costs into the relevant invoice?

    37.[ ] Quote to Sales Order - Can you convert a Quote to a Sales Order?

    38.[ ] POS Sales - Can you create a POS sale?

    39.[ ] Finding POS Sales - Where can you find POS sales?

    40.[ ] Displaying Cash Sales - Do know what a Cash Sales is used for?

    41.[ ] Sales Order Back Order - Do you understand what a Back Ordered Sales Order is?

    42.[ ] Back Order List - Do you understand how to get to Back Orders from the lists?

    43.[ ] Convert Sales Order to Invoice - Do you understand what happens to a Back ordered Sales Order when it is converted to an invoice?

    44.[ ] Adding Comments - Has it been explained how to enter a different comments by double clicking on the comments field?

    45.[ ] Shipping addresses - Has it been explained how to enter a different shipping address by double clicking on the shipping address field?

    46.[ ] Pick From - Can you have the goods picked up from a different location to the "Invoice To" and "Shipping Address"?

    47.[ ] Different Template - Can you select a different template for the Invoice?

    48.[ ] Customer Types - Do you know how to create a new Customer Type?

    49.[ ] Discounts - Do you know how to set a permanent customer discount option?

    50.[ ] Product Discounts - Do you know how to set a product customer type discount option?

    51.[ ] Auto Load Discounts - What preferences do you need activated for this to work?

    52.[ ] Customer Special Price - Can you load a special price for a customer from the quote?

    53.[ ] Group Discounts - Do you know where to setup Product Group Discounts in the customer card?

    54.[ ] Discounts Video - Have you watched the Discounts Video?

    55.[ ] Sales Reports - Can you run a Sales Report?

    56.[ ] My Reports - Can you personalise this report and save it as yours?

    57.[ ] CRM, Leads and Marketing - Will you be using CRM and Marketing and if so, have you watched the videos etc on this area?