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Edit Exported BOM

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Revision as of 10:46, 14 January 2011 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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You can edit a Bill of Materials in a spreadsheet and reimport it into ERP. You should create at minimum a basic BOM in ERP so that you can export it with all of the necessary column lables.

How to Export a Bill Of Materials

  • Select Manufacturing tab
  • Select Manufacture Product List button
  • Select the product that you want to export
  • Select Export Tree button
  • Name the file - the file type must be ERP Data Import with an extension of .pdi (this is a tab delimited text file)
  • Open your spreadsheet software and import the file

How to open a PDI file using MS Excel

Caution - any variation to the following procedure is likely to cause data to be changed or misinterpreted by Excel default settings making the file unusable.

  • Open excel first
  • Go to File-Open and find the folder you have saved the ERP data file to (this could be your desktop).
  • Change the file type to all files (this is required because ERP has it’s own file extension, ‘*.pdi’)
  • Double click on the ERP data file.

This opens in Excel the Text Import Wizard. There are three steps to follow to open the data file correctly. Step 1 - Click Next Step 2 - You need to change the Text Qualifier from (“) to (None). Click Next. Step 3 - All Columns within the Data Preview need to be highlighted. The process to do this is move the scroll bar all the way to the right, hold down the shift key then with the mouse, left click in the last column. When all columns within the data preview has been selected, select text from the ‘Column Data Format’. Click Finish.

In the Manufacture Product List screen to the right of the Export Tree button is a "?" button. This will bring up a list of the exported column names and an explanation of the information required in each column.

Adding a New Line

When adding a new line to the BOM ensure that:

  • the ProcTreeId number is unique
  • the ParentId exists as a ProcTreeId on another line in the BOM
  • the TreePartsName exists as a product in the product file (only required for a part)
  • you reset Sequence numbers
  • any Process Steps exist before being added to a BOM


When updated save the file without changing the format.

  • Select Manufacturing tab
  • Select Manufacture Product List button
  • Select Import button
  • Select the modified file
  • Select Open button and the BOM will import