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15. Negative PO

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Negative PO

Negative PO - Can you create a supplier product and account credit?

Negative Purchase Order is created when you want to return the goods to a supplier and want credit against it. This will reduce the quantity that you have returned from the stock, and it will adjust the Supplier Account accordingly.

There are two ways to create a Negative Purchase Order. First to create a negative Purchase Order manually.

  • Select Purchases Module.
  • Select Purchase Order button.
  • Select Supplier Name.
  • Select Product and the Quantity you want to return.
  • The Quantity should be in negative with a minus sign. For Example; you are returning 2 items then you have to enter -2 in Ordered and Received.

This will create a credit amount for this Purchase Order.

  • Enter Supplier Invoice #.
  • Write Comments to explain why this has been done and which invoice it pertains to.
  • Click Save.

You can do a negative Purchase Order directly from the Return Authority window. Fill out details in Return Authority and click Credit. This will create a negative Purchase Order with the comments related to the Return Authority. You can use this when you have send goods for repairing but realized it cannot be fixed, so you will open that particular Return Authority from Return Authority List and will click on Credit.