10. Filters
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Revision as of 21:37, 1 September 2014 by Omer Farooq (Talk | contribs)
Filters - Do you know how to filter in the list to show only specific details, then create a custom filter?
Filtering within a list or report is a valuable tool for finding a specific entry into the report. Filtering relates to the ability to streamline what is shown in a report and only show on the screen the information that is required.
There are Two Type of filters that you can use in any list or reports.
- OR
Both AND OR filters have different functionality. AND means all selected field should be filtered. OR means either of the selected fields to be filtered.
To apply a Filter open any list For example Open Customer Detail List.
- Select Sales module.
- Select Customer Express List.
- Click Details.
- In the list select any cell of a particular column. Let say Contact Name in Customer Detail List.
- Right click and Select AND Filter (Shift + N).