13. Altering Columns
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Revision as of 21:43, 21 September 2014 by Omer Farooq (Talk | contribs)
Altering Columns
Altering Columns - Can you add columns, remove columns and alter the layout of the list and then save the list as a personal report? Refer Global Features
Within any List or Report you have the feature to fully customise your list, and set it as User or Global Preference. For Example; Account List. Go to Accounts Module, and select Accounts List. Untick Tree Mode to view List Mode.
In the list, which means any list customer, product, invoice etc. you have a Customise tab at the bottom.
- Click Customise.
- Customise window will open up.
- In the Columns Area, Tick to make that column available in the list.
- Untick to remove the column from the list.
- Double click any column name to rename it.
- You can create Custom Column by clicking on the 'New' button in customise window of a list.
- Grid Title Font will allow you to change the font, font size and font colour of the Grid Header.
- Grid Font will allow you to change the font, font size and font colour of the text in Grids.
- Aletrnate Row Colour will allow you to set alternate row colour if required.
- Clicking on Enable Grid Lines will show the grid lines in the list. Unticking will remove the grid lines.
- You can alter changes and can make it as a Customer Report by clicking on the Custom Report Tab. Give the Report Name and select where you want to see this custom report apart from My Reports
- After making changes select User if the setting is for the individual user who is altering the changes. Select Global if you want the changes on every users.
- Click Save to complete the customisation.
- At any time you can click Default to go back to system default settings.