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6a Purchases FX

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Purchases Foreign Exchange Training

Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________

Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________

Trainee to complete: Please tick

1.[ ] FX Preferences - What do you need to turn on to use this module?

2.[ ] FX Rates List - How do you activate in-active rates?

3.[ ] FX History - Why is history with foreign exchange important?

4.[ ] FX Products - How do you set up products to be purchased in foreign currency?

5.[ ] FX Supplier - How do you set up a Supplier for FX?

6.[ ] Landed Costs - How do you view the landed cost of a product?

7.[ ] Creating FX Purchase Orders - Can you enter purchase order in foreign currency?

8.[ ] Entering FX Values - Where are the FX fields on a purchase order?

9.[ ] FX Expense - How would you enter any expenses related to importing goods?

10.[ ] Relate to Purchase Order - Do you know how to link import expenses to Purchase Orders?

11.[ ] Importing Landed Costs - Can you import the costs now associated with the purchase order?

12.[ ] Adjusting Import Costs - Can you adjust the allocation of these costs between the products on the purchase order?

13.[ ] Don't Include Landed Costs - Why is the landed cost separate from the average cost?

14.[ ] Average v Landed -  Do you know where these values are displayed on the product card?

15.[ ] Landed Cost Example - Does the spreadsheet example make sense?