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7. Open a List

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Product List

Product List - Do you know how to open both of the Product Lists - Express and Full?

In ERP most of the list are in Summary and Detail format. Summary gives you concise information of your products whereas Detail give you in-depth information about your products.

You will find Product Express List in both Inventory and Sales Modules by default.

  • Select Inventory or Sales Module.
  • Select Product Express List.

The Express Product List is a simple (summary) list of products with Product Name, Description, Groups, Part Type and Price. The Express Product List opens faster as compare to the Detail list as no calculations of average cost, quantity, etc is required to open it.

  • Within the Product Express List on the top right, click Details to access product detail list. You can access the detail list from the Toolbar as well Product List. Product Detail List has more functionality but lacks speed, as every time you click on Product List from the Toolbar or Details from Product Express List it will calculate quantity of each product available and the average costs.

Within the Product Express List or Details if you double click any product it will open the Product Card of that particular product giving you further details on that product.