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9. Find A Product

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Find a Product

Find a Product - Do you know how to quickly find a Product in the list using the Search Column and Search Text fields?

  • Select Inventory or Sales Module.
  • Select Product Express List button, which will bring up a full list of your products.
  • Select the required search column in Search Column field or simply click the column and it will change the field in Search Column. This will search within that selected column, in this case select Product in the Search Column.
  • In search field type the Product Name you are searching. As you type Product Name will highlight the product names which matches with your input.
  • You can use F5, F6 and F7 searching features to search you product quickly.
  • F5 - Complete List. Pressing F5 will give you the complete Product List. If you open you Product Express List and you do not see anything then press F5. This is because when you exited from the list last time it was either in F6 or F7 mode.
  • F6 - Anything Starts with. Type you products initials and press F6, anything starting with the typed characters will appear in the list. It will only show the Products those who starts from the typed characters.
  • F7 - Anything Like. With F7 searching features you can search any characters or words at the start, in middle or at the end a word or sentence. For example; if you are searching a Product Name Blue Pen but you only remember Pen. Type Pen in the search field and click F7, this will show all the products where P E N are coming together between a word or a sentence.
  • You can double click anytime on any product to open the Product Card of that particular product.