24. Employee to Do's
From TrueERP wiki
Employee to Do's
Employee To Do's - Do you know where to set when and how your "To Do's"?
Employees to Do's is a way of adding Reminders prompts for either yourself or for your employees.
You can access Employees to Do's from the Toolbar or from Employee Module.
- Select the Employee Module.
- Select To Do button. This will open the Items To Do window.
- In the Date Created select the date that the To Do was created.
- In For Employee select the employee to whom you want to add a To Do task.
- In Created By select the employee for whom the task has to be done.
- In Date To Do By select the date till when this task has to be completed.
- In Priority set Priority level to your Do Do.
- In Description enter details about the task that has to be completed.
- In Result write feed back notes on the task scheduled.
- From the top right Tick Show on Reminders in order to view To Do's in the Reminder prompts.
- The bottom Result window will built up all the feedback on the created To Do's with time.
- Select Preview to view the print out.
- Select Print to Print To Do's.
- Select Email to email the To Do's to any employee.
- Select Completed when the task has been completed, which then will no longer appear in Reminder prompts.
- Select Save to save the actions.