From TrueERP wiki
Accounting define as follows.
"The process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit informed judgements and decisions by users of the information". *In addition, Accounting is the systematic and comprehensive recording of financial transactions pertaining to a business. It also refers to the process of summarizing, analyzing and reporting transactions.
Summary :
1 How to view Chart of Accounts in a number of ways? Complete list of accounts as required for any business. This list can be added to or deleted from depending on your particular requirements. In addition you can start from scratch with your own set of accounts or simply merge together a combination of both. Chart of Accounts can viewed in a number of ways (Tree mode or List Mode)
¤Select Accounts Module
¤Click on Accounts List Button
Able to view Chart of Accounts.
2 How Tree Mode works?
From Main Screen - Select Accounts Module
Select Accounts List Tab
While you can also view on Tree Mode on the upper right side tick box Tree Mode.
Options of tree mode can contract and expand on accounts.
3 How List Mode works?
From Main Screen - Select Accounts Module Select Accounts List Tab
Can view on standard List Mode searching is more easy.
4 Know how to setup a new account for your chart of Accounts?
5. Type of Accounts in the drop down?
6. How to set the EFT or electronic banking details for Bank Account?
7. How departments can replace the need for sub accounts in some cases?
8. Know how you can divide your business into different cost centers?
9. How departments can create different report levels with one Accounts, relationship between Departments, Products and Accounts.
10. How can BAS/VAT affect the Tax Codes and the auto loading into transactions.
11. Explanation of List Customisation?
12. How to use the F5,F6 and F7 as searching features? How to use the search box on the main screen?
13. How to add columns, remove columns and alter the layout of the list and save as a personal report?
14. How to filter in the list to show only specific details?
15. How to create a custom filter?
16. How to turn on Foreign Exchange Values in some reports?
17. How to create a custom report and display in My Report section?
18. How to export list and create a spreadsheet?
19. How to run a Profit and Loss Report from the main screen?
20. How to run a Profit and Loss Report by periods?
21. How to run a Profit and Loss Report from report selector?
22. How to select different departments for different reports?
23. How to drill into any of the values in all of the reports?
24. How to preview printout of Profit and Loss Report?
25. How to run a Balance Sheet Report from the main screen and from report selector?
26. What is the relation of report selector in choosing dates prior to running the reports?
27. Explanation of List Date Range on comparing speed to functionality.
28. Is the set of the BAS report/VAT Report with the Tax Codes been done and approved by the accountant?
29. How to run a BAS report/VAT Report?
30. How to enter/create a Journal?
31. How to search and find an existing Journal?
32. How to create a chart from any report?
33. How to create a filter?
34. How to open the Summary Sheet?
35. How to open the Dashboard?
Chart of Accounts
Complete list of accounts as required for any business. This list can be added to or deleted from depending on your particular requirements. In addition you can start from scratch with your own set of accounts or simply merge together a combination of both.
Chart of Accounts can viewed in a number of ways (Tree mode or List Mode)
From Main Screen - Select Accounts Module Select Accounts List Tab
Can view on standard List Mode searching is more easy. While you can also view on Tree Mode on the upper right side tick box Tree Mode. Options of tree mode can contract and expand on accounts.
Easy steps to follow on setting up Tree Mode on Default :
Select Utilities Module → Select Preferences → Choose Accounts → Tick box on Default to Tree View for Chart of Accounts List Click Save and view your Chart of Accounts.