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18 Manufacturing

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1. Preferences 2. Weeks to Display 3. Product Status 4. Process Steps 5. Resource 6. Defining Capacity 7. Allocating Processes 8. Total Capacity 9. Manufactured Product 10. Creating A Wagon 11. Fixed Sell 12. Floating Price 13. Tree Structure 14. Must Have Process 15. Duration 16. Sequence 17. Adding Branches 18. Assigning Steps 19. Input Types 20. Creating Choices 21. Set The Default 22. Reduced Tree 23. Sales Options 24. Loading Costs 25. Building For Stock 26. Customer Build 27. Stock or Manufacture 28. Pricing Based on Choice 29. Hide Pop-up 30. Orders From Stock 31. Choose to Build or Not 32. Change SO Status 33. Simple Completion 34. Finalize From Production 35. Displaying Capacity 36. Drag and Drop 37. Auto Schedule 38. Filtering Capacity 39. Stages 40. Production Worksheet 41. Production Job Status 42. Ordering Products 43. Producing Purchase Orders 44. Finalizing an Order == Overview == Manufacturing Training

Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________ Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________ Trainee to complete: Please tick
1. [ ] Preferences - Have you set the company preferences for Manufacturing? 2. [ ] Weeks to Display - Have you defined how many weeks in advance that you wish to display in the Capacity Planner? 3. [ ] Auto Scheduling - Do you understand how Grace Days interact with Auto Scheduling? 4. [ ] Stock Requirements - Do you understand how a Smart Order can be automaticaly created for required Sub Products and its delivery time factored into Auto Scheduling? 5. [ ] Product Source - Do you understand the difference between the "Open Product Source Option" and "Part Source from Stock By Default" preference? 6. [ ] Company vs Employee Preferences - Do you realise that after you have defined your Manufacturing Preferences they must then be Enabled per Employee? 7. [ ] Manufacturing - What two things must you set up before you can create a Product BOM? 8. [ ] Process Steps - What is a Process Step and where do you set these up? 9. [ ] Resource - What is a Resource and where do you set these Up? 10.[ ] Labour Rates - Can you define Hourly Labour Rates for a Resource? 11.[ ] Defining Capacity - Have you defined the capacity for a resource? 12.[ ] Allocating Processes - Are you aware you must allocate at least one process step to your Resource? 13.[ ] Total Capacity - Where does your total Manufacture Capacity for the floor display? 14.[ ] Manufactured Product - Where do you start the creation of a Bill Of Materials (BOM)? 15.[ ] Must Have - What must you add to the top line of a BOM? 16.[ ] Duration - Where do you define the time lines and sequence for each each Process? 17.[ ] Adding Products - How do you add Sub Products to the BOM? 18.[ ] Adding Branches - How do you add a branch to the BOM? 19.[ ] Assigning Process Steps - How do you add a Process Step to the sub branches? 20.[ ] Process Information - Do you know where you can add detailed information about the Processes on this BOM? 21.[ ] BOM Options - Can you create "Options" in the BOM? 22.[ ] Set The Default - How do you set the default Sales choice, if using an "Option" input type? 23.[ ] Create a BOM - Create a new manufactured product using your new Process and Resource. 24.[ ] BOM Pricing - Do you understand the Cost and Sell Price calculations in a BOM? 25.[ ] Fixed vs Floating Price - What effect is there by defining a Fixed Sell Price for the Manufactured Product or setting it as zero? 26.[ ] BOM Products - Where would you find a dedicated list of Manufactued Products with BOM's loaded on them? 27.[ ] Production Request - What transaction would you use to send a "BOM Product" to be Manufactured? 28.[ ] Building For Stock - Which option on the Sales Order creates an internal order for stock only? 29.[ ] Customer Build - How do you build a product to order? 30.[ ] Internal vs Customer Order - What are the key differnces between these types of Manufacture Order? 31.[ ] Stock or Manufacture - How do you create a pop-up to allow the user to choose to Manufacture or Take From Stock? 32.[ ] Process Tree Edit - Do you understand that the Process Tree on the Sales Order can be edited to make it unique for this build? 33.[ ] Sub Product Edit - Can you adjust the From Stock, To Build and On Order Qty's in the Process Tree Edit screen 34.[ ] Sales Order BOM Options - How does this affect the sell price? 35.[ ] Simple Completion - Can you run all of your manufacturing jobs from Sales Orders without using the Manufacturing Module? 36.[ ] Right Click - Do you understand all of the Manufacture functions available when right clicking on the product line in the Sales Order? 37.[ ] Production Job Status - Can you run your jobs from the Production Job Status list? 38.[ ] Production Worksheet - What must you do to an order before you can print a Production Worksheet? 39.[ ] Finalise For Production - How do you do this from the Production Job Status Screen? 40.[ ] Capacity Planner - Have you enabled the preferences that load the capacity planner display options before launching it? 41.[ ] Total Capacity - Do you understand how the total capacity and available capacity of your Resources are displayed in the Capacity Planner? 42.[ ] Filtering Capacity - Can you reduce the capacity planner to display just a single customer or a single resource? 43.[ ] Auto Schedule - Can you auto load all the jobs waiting to be scheduled? 44.[ ] Stages - Can you flag as started the schedule, for just one job or resource? 45.[ ] Drag and Drop - Can you move process times for jobs using just the mouse? 46.[ ] Flags - Do you understand the functionality of the different "Flag" options? 47.[ ] Ordering Products - Where do you go to see what products you need to keep production on schedule? 48.[ ] Producing Purchase Orders - How do you create purchase orders from the Production Job Status list? 49.[ ] Allocations - What are the two key areas where you can Allocate either Serial Numbers, Bins or Batches and print a BOM picking slip? 50.[ ] Partial Build - How can you complete and Invoice partial qty's of a job? 51.[ ] Partial Invoices - Where can you see a list of Partial Buils Invoices created for each job? 52.[ ] Finalising an Order - How do you complete a job and convert it to an Invoice or complete an internal order for stock? 53.[ ] Barcode Manufacturing - Did you know you can run your entire manufacturing process from Barcode Manufacturing? 54.[ ] Control Codes - What are Control Codes? 55.[ ] Job Timesheets - Can you view a list of Job Timesheets for Employees scanned against jobs? 56.[ ] Manufacturing Reports - Can you load your manufacturing reports paying special attention to the Build Profitability Report?