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29 Clock On/Off

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Using the Clock On - Clock Off

Can you clock in and out?

Select F8 on your keyboard and this opens up the Clock on/off screen or simply select the Clock On Button in the Employee Tab

Enter the employee number e.g. empl-01 (you will find the employee number by): Employee Tab Employee List - select the employee Select Photo ID from the left hand tabs Print Photo ID - This will then display the employee Number

To clock on simply key your employee number in e.g. emp-01and press enter, or scan your barcode To clock off do the same as above

To view who is clocked on and off and what times, select the Roster List.

How to print an Employee Barcode and Print out a Photo ID

The Photo ID is not only great for security purposes but it can also be used as part of the Clock On, Clock Off ("F8") functionality, where they can use the built in bundy clock. This then ties in with the roster system and feeds into payroll.

From the main menu select the employee tab then select the Employee List Button

Double click on Employee Name

Select Photo ID tab on the main menu list

Select the Add picture button to insert a photo. This will bring up a window where you can select a photo that has previously been saved to a file, choose the file and double click to accept.

Use the Stretch button to adjust the photo to fit, use the delete button to remove a photo.

Set the validation dates for Valid from to the Valid to date

When photo is acceptable click on the Print Photo ID to print the ID

An Employee Barcode is automatically allocated to an employee when you add new employee. Select the Print Barcode tab to print the barcode.