7 Emails
From TrueERP wiki
Can you configure ERP to track employee emails??
To configure ERP to track Employee Emails, you must have Access to the employee module.
To start click on the Employee Module on the Left, and then on the Employee List function on the Right.
When the list opens, select the Employee you want to Configure the Email tracking for.
On the Employee card select the Address button on the Left. On the far Right of your screen you have the Emails function. This is where you are going to enter the relevant information. Make sure you Select the Employee address option after the email address was entered.
Then the Key to Tracking the emails.
1. Click on the Email Config button and enter all the relevant information. Ask your IT administrator for the information if you do not have it.
2. Tick the Track emails option.
This should set ERP to track your Employee Emails.