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8 Google Calendar

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Google Calendar

Do you know how to set up the employee to sync appointments with Google Calendar?

To set up ERP to sync your Google Calendar, you must have Access to the employee module. You also have to check the following setting in Utilities / Preferences / EDI and

Integration. Scroll down to Google Calendar Synchronization the Sync with Google Box must be ticked o enable the integration between ERP and Google. If you have a Master Google

account you want to Sync your calendar with, the information must be completed in the Master Google Calendar options and the Sync with Google box ticked.

To start click on the Employee Module on the Left, and then on the Employee List function on the Right.

When the list opens, select the Employee you want to Set Up the Calendar Sync for.

On the Employee card select the Address button on the Left. On the far Right of your screen just below the Emails function at the top you have the Google Calendar

function. This is where you are going to enter the relevant information.

3 Easy steps to set up the Calendar Sync:

1. Enter the employee Gmail Account address in the Email address information. 2. Enter the employee Gmail Account password in the Password information. 3. Tick the Sync with Google box and TEST

This should enable ERP to Sync your Google calendar with the ERP Calendar.