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7. Departments

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Departments - Do you know how you can divide your business into different cost centers?

Departments in ERP allow you to separate different aspects of your business into Cost Centers. With the help of Departments a Company can report on specific areas of their business without a need to create additional accounts in Chart of Accounts structure.

  • Profit Loss Reports can be segregated by each Department enabling you to analyse your business accounts on multiple levels. Most of the Reports and Lists in ERP can be accessed by Department if required.
  • Departments allow you to combine multiple cost center records into one database, as you are able to Report on every Departmental level required.
  • Departments also allow you to separate your Product List by Department (Cost Center/Outlet); you are able to set different Price Levels for different Department Separate Stock for different Department; and can run BAS Reports for different Departments.

How to Create a New Department

  1. Select General Module.
  2. Select Department Lists button.
  • Active Classes, will show all the active Departments.
  • Inactive Classes, will shows all inactive Departments. All Classes will show you all Departments irrespective of active or inactive.
  • You can customize this list and can add filters too

Searching feature F5, F6, and F7 is available in this list

To Create a New Department click New tab.

On the Department window you will be able to define the structure of your Department/Cost Center Tree up to 4 different levels. Header Department - Sub Department 1 - Sub Department 2 - Department Name For Example; If you have a nationwide business the Header Department may be the City that you operate in, Head Office. In the following example we will use Melbourne as our Header Department, and create sub-departments under it. Enter the name of the new Department in the Department Name field. Enter a description for the Department in the Description field. The Department Tree View will start to populate. This will create Department Hierarchy and will grow as more department levels are added.

  • To Add Sub Account you need to create each Sub Account by entering the name of it in the Department Name field.
  • Select Save to Complete.

Make sure the active is ticked so this department will be active.